Why Google’s Mobile First Update is Crucial for Small Businesses

Can’t keep up with Google’s changing algorithm? While many of the twists and turns can be missed without much consequence, there’s been a pretty big update that might need your attention – the Google Mobile-First Indexing update, to be precise. If techy jargon isn’t your thing, it basically means Google will be prioritising rankings for...

What are the Different Types of Digital Marketing?

The ways in which we market and sell products are changing. It’s no longer enough to rely on traditional methods of marketing. Billboards and flyers can’t reach an audience properly. In an increasingly technological age, we need to look for digital solutions to take our marketing to the next level. But with so many different...

Why is Digital Marketing Important? 5 Key Reasons

In today’s technological world, the ways in which businesses market themselves is changing. Traditional means of marketing have become secondary to new methods like social media and content marketing. With businesses projected to spend €110 billion (around £95 billion) on digital advertising by the end of 2021, it’s clear that adapting to these changes could be vital for survival....