Why You Need Content to Fuel Your Social Media!

blog content writing

By now, we all know that social media presence in this digital age is super important for customers to find your services or products. Yet, having a presence on social media alone isn’t good enough. It’s critical to feed your social media with content that your ideal prospects actually want to read!  

Like you and I, your customers are looking online and through their social feeds for solutions to their problems – and that’s where great, strategic content comes in. Enter – your magnificent content! 

Great social media should act as a call to action; a collection of bright signposts to guide your prospects to your content. Your content should address the issues that the customer is facing, and offer solutions that your business can provide! 

Your content strategy. should form the foundation for your owned channels, such as social media and your website. Consider your content your foundations from which the rest of your marketing sits. Without these pillars of content, your social media isn’t leading your customers to anything specific. Don’t waste that opportunity! 

If people love your content, they will share it – further expanding its reach. Give the people what they want!

What kind of content do I need?

Blog articles

Blogs aren’t just for bird watchers, tech geeks or makeup-artists anymore. The most popular choice of SMEs; blog articles are generally opinion-led pieces authored by subject matter experts aka your business! Your blog is a great place to shout about how your products or services answer a specific problem, just as our client Mobius Works did in their blog post about their restaurant fit-out expertise.

Short, snappy ‘how-to guides’ and list-based content such as, “7 ways to increase leads using content” are easy to consume for your readers. Using this technique in this blog, First Class Comms outline how their services can help with the BT switch off. 

You can also use your company blog to communicate announcements, company updates, new hires, cultural activities like fundraisers, or a big client win. 

Downloadable papers 

If you have a technical product or service, you may like to make a more meaty piece of content that is downloadable. Downloadable papers are usually in PDF form and designed in a way that makes it look like a high-quality leaflet.  We created such a document for software company 3radical on the topic of Gamification.

If you want to “gate” content, you could track downloads by requesting customer emails for them to receive the content. Gated content can work well as a lead generating strategy for many businesses, offering the opportunity for you to follow-up with prospects who have shown interest in your content..

Research papers and infographics

As mentioned in our previous blog article – if you’ve ever conducted a survey, you may have found that it revealed excellent insights. Making these insights available for other prospective customers is high-value original content. Better still, turning these insights into an infographic is an effective visual way to present your ideas. Visuals help to reinforce your points, and increase how they are remembered! Check out this infographic we created for Management Consultants Nine Feet Tall to show business readiness for GDPR.

Case Studies 

If you have worked for great clients, shout about it! Showcasing your work is crucial to building your credibility as a leader in your space. Case studies should be concise and cover what you did, who you did it for and the value you brought to the client. Quantifiable measurements help to reinforce the value you added, like First Class Comms, in this case study, they state the time saved by using their services. 

Prospective customers are visiting your site to confirm your position as a reputable service provider, don’t let them walk away without seeing all your achievements. 

There is a world of content types out there including video, podcasts, eBooks, and Webinars, all of which can be promoted on owned and paid social channels. Each has its own merits and attracts customers in different ways, but together they provide essential fodder for your social media content. We can help zmake your social media work harder by producing great content.

How is your content strategy looking? At Rapport Digital, we help accountants and accounting firms rise to the top with content writing services that hit the mark!

Feeling inspired?

If you’d like to discuss how to improve the ways in which your business does social media, or get some help to do it better, please get in touch at:
