5 Tactics to Boost Your Facebook Business Page

Starting a Facebook business page is a straightforward enough process and yet with falling organic reach and engagement, many businesses find it a challenge to make their page work for them and fail to grow their page and increase its reach. Here are 5 simple tactics you can try today in order to give your...

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Your Own Video

We’re delighted to feature a guest blog from our friends at Life Media UK this week. So I’m handing over to Sunjay to share his tips to guide you through making your own marketing videos… There’s no question that video is one of the most powerful tools you can utilise to promote your brand and business –...

Life after lockdown – how to adapt your marketing approach to suit the times

As the lockdown measures begin to ease, business leaders across the globe will be looking for new ways to adapt their marketing strategies and promote their organisations during these unprecedented times. Let’s be clear. Not every business or organisation will lose out; the pandemic has presented some unforeseen opportunities as well as challenges. Some will...

5 reasons PPC advertising makes sense during the Coronavirus pandemic

The marketing landscape immediately changed following the lockdown measures brought about by the spread of COVID-19. There isn’t a business in the land that hasn’t been affected in some way, and those that are still able to operate need to adapt their marketing approach, and fast.  With most of the more traditional offline channels off...