Online Reputation Management Guide for Accountants

A good online reputation is critical for any business – it builds trust and enhances credibility, which attracts new clients. This is especially important for accountants, who are trusted with sensitive financial information. Retaining a strong brand image is vital, with digital marketing being a key role in this challenge. Managing your online reputation means...

6 Reasons to Invest in Content Marketing

Everyone is doing it!! According to the Content Marketing Institute, 88% of marketers now use content in their marketing strategy. If you’re not doing it then your competitors are. They will be the authority in your space. Theirs will be the voice that gets heard and remembered. If that’s not enough to convince you to...

How to Build a Content Marketing Strategy

According to Zazzle Media, 60% of companies struggle to produce content consistently, and 65% find it a challenge to produce engaging content on a regular basis. Getting content in front of your customers at this time when you can’t physically connect with them is more important than ever before, so in this blog we wanted to share some tips...

Why add PR to your Marketing Mix?

Rapport Digital is a full-service digital marketing agency for accountants and accounting firms, equipped to deliver all elements of the marketing mix – our secret sauce is in how we guide our clients to a result-driven combination of the right tactics to deliver results. In recent months, we have achieved great results for our clients...