Guide to Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) SEO

Does your website have a significant impact on a person’s happiness, health, financial stability or safety? Are you a financial advisor or accountant? If yes, “your money or your life SEO” is going to be crucial for your business. And you’re going to have to E-A-T up! Confused yet? Don’t worry. This blog post delves...

What Is a Pillar Page? (And 3 Types You Should Try)

Pillar pages are well-named. Just as a pillar is integral to the structure and strength of a building, pillar pages are essential to a website as they prop up the content and strengthen the interest of your target audience. Woven together with cluster pages (focused on a single topic and hyperlinked back to your pillar...

Introducing SXO: What is Search Experience Optimisation?

SEO – or search engine optimisation – makes your webpage more visible on search engines in order to drive greater traffic to your business and generate a higher conversion rate. But what about search experience optimisation? SEO is standard practice in the world of digital marketing. But focussing exclusively on a webpage’s content at the...

Why Is My Website Not Ranking on Google?

When it comes to getting your business noticed, nothing compares with being at the top of Google when people search for your products and services. The search giant now processes over 40,000 search queries every second and every brand wants a piece of that pie. This is why having a search engine optimised website is...