9 Social Media Marketing Trends We’re Predicting for 2022

vlogger recording content for social media

There’s no getting away from it – social media is here to stay. Moreover, it’s evolving at a rate of knots. And with so many new trends in social media marketing to stay on top of, it can be hard to know what to focus on. 

If you struggle to keep up with what’s hot and what’s not in the social world, you’re not alone. One minute, you’re making videos in the hope of that viral stardom. The next you’re trying to work out Instagram’s ever-changing algorithm – the list is constantly growing.

So, what should your business be doing on social in 2022? At Rapport Digital, we’ve put together a list of upcoming social media trends and some current favourites to help you create the most impact this year. Read on to learn more.

1. Growth in social commerce

You’ll have probably experienced the push in social commerce following the introduction of the Shops feature to Instagram back in 2020. This new subset of e-commerce takes shopping experiences to the next level. Basically, you can do everything from finding a product to buying it in an instant.  

Continuing on its success, 2022 will see more growth in this area. And if you can streamline your user experience, it creates the chance to improve conversions.

It’s not just Instagram that enhances the social commerce experience – other platforms are jumping on the bandwagon this year. For example, Pinterest introduced the Shop feature to buy directly from product pins.

2. Collaborating with creators

Influencers and content creators aren’t anything new. However, the creator economy is booming, and more people than ever are buying into their personal brands.

Platforms are investing considerable sums in creator marketplaces and tools to assist the connections between customers and brands. So, if you haven’t dipped your toe in the world of influencer marketing, it could be a good time to start.

3. Short-form video

One of the biggest current social media marketing trends is video. More importantly, short-form vertical video.

The likes of YouTube and Instagram Reels has made this medium huge in terms of driving sales and engagement. For example, videos get more attention on Instagram compared to conventional image posts. Plus, Pinterest highlighted a 240% increase in video pins from 2020 to 2021.

Video will, of course, evolve in the coming year. Trends change fast in this area, but creativity is set to top the spot to keep people coming back. It’s also important to make your videos accessible to all. So use functions such as the automated caption feature to ensure everyone is engaged.

4. Leveraging paid advertising will become vital

Hootsuite’s recent social media trend survey highlighted the growing need to reach new audiences with paid advertising. Organic reach is declining on every platform – with Facebook seeing an average of just over 5% organic reach on a post.

To ensure relevant audiences see your content, paid advertising will become essential. However, it’s how you leverage it that matters. Anyone can throw money at a campaign, but using insights and analytics to your advantage will strengthen reach and engagement.

5. More investment in social within the B2B sector

Social media typically lends itself to the B2C sector. However, that doesn’t mean B2B businesses should take a step back. In fact, quite the opposite.

Twitter offers a large platform for companies looking to connect with professionals in other sectors. Of course, LinkedIn is also adding more tools to bring organisations together. So, both could be worthwhile investments in the coming year.

6. Social media and mental health

The past few years have presented numerous challenges for brands and consumers, and many people have turned to social media as an escape. However, with more time online, social media burnout has hit hard.

Platforms are already introducing elements such as Instagram’s ‘take a break’ feature. And in 2022, we’ll see more conversations around mental health and wellness encouraged on social media.

7. Memes

Memes have been around for years, and they keep getting better and better. Just think how many you’ve shared with friends, family and colleagues in the past year!

For 2022, we predict this fun trend will have more airtime in the form of pictures and videos. They’re pretty simple to create and offer shareable content to help boost engagement.

8. Relatable content is king

The beauty of social media is that it’s shown us you don’t have to paint a curated picture all the time. That includes businesses too!

Relatable content is key to bringing customers closer to your brand. Don’t be afraid to show the ‘real’ aspects of your company. Go beyond the perfect aesthetic to create conversations and develop deeper connections with your audience.

9. Quality over quantity

Social media can often make people feel like they need to be present every minute of the day. However, for brands, that’s not viable. And to be honest, there’s no need for it either.

In 2022, try not to post just for the sake of it. This year, quality content will reign supreme, and you’ll most likely see more engagement in the long run.

Creating and scheduling content specific to your audience, at the times they engage most, is vital for successful campaigns.

Need help with social media in 2022?

Staying on top of social media trends can be daunting. They constantly change, and what works for one brand might not for another. The key is getting the right balance without overwhelming your audience.

Researching social media trends and consumer behaviour takes time, and that’s where we can help. Rapport Digital is a social media agency with knowledge of the landscape and what’s hot for the coming year.

We work with accountants and accounting firms, taking the hard work out of creating impactful content and scheduling. Plus, if you need ongoing social media management, we’re happy to keep it all ticking over.

For more information on what social media services we offer, contact the team today to discuss your needs. 

Feeling inspired?

If you’d like to discuss how to improve the ways in which your business does social media, or get some help to do it better, please get in touch at:
