Financial Services Marketing Is Different. Here’s Why…

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Marketing plays a crucial role in the success of any business. However, when it comes to financial services, the landscape is unique.

The nature of financial services requires specific strategies and considerations to effectively reach and engage target audiences. That’s because it’s classed as a ‘Your Money or Your Life’ sector.

In this blog post, we will explore how financial services marketing differs from other forms of marketing. In addition, we’ll look at the key strategies, including SEO, social media marketing, email marketing and content marketing.

Short summary

  • Financial institutions need to establish themselves as an industry authority with Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T).
  • Marketing efforts must adhere to strict regulatory compliance while building trust with your target market.
  • You can build topical authority by – creating high-quality, extensive content; acquiring backlinks from reputable websites; establishing a strong internal linking structure; improving user engagement like time spent on pages.
  • Personalisation and audience segmentation can also help build strong relationships with customers.

Trust and expertise: the foundation of financial services marketing

When it comes to financial matters, trust and expertise are paramount. Unlike selling tangible products, financial services involve managing sensitive and valuable assets – money and investments.

Financial institutions need to establish themselves as trustworthy authorities in the industry. SEO (search engine optimisation) plays a crucial role in this by ensuring that your website ranks high in search engine results, making it more visible to potential customers seeking financial services.

However, SEO is different in the financial sector – so the process isn’t as straightforward.

Your Money or Your Life

YMYL, which stands for “Your Money or Your Life”. This pertains to websites that have the potential to impact an individual’s well-being, financial security or safety. Examples of YMYL websites include ecommerce sites, medical sites, news websites, as well as financial advisors and accountants.

When it comes to YMYL pages, there are two categories: low-quality and high-quality. Low-quality pages lack Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness. This is known as E-E-A-T by Google. On the other hand, high-quality pages demonstrate expertise in everyday matters, are well researched, and offer valuable content that satisfies readers.

The significance of YMYL pages lies in the fact that they undergo greater scrutiny due to the high stakes associated with their content. Google’s “medic update” in September 2019 led to changes in rankings for numerous websites, particularly those focusing on health, medicine and healthcare. This update emphasised the importance of delivering high-quality and reliable content in search results.

Top Tip: One easy way to demonstrate E-E-A-T on your website is with a clear About page. Show who is behind the brand and why they’re an expert in your sector. Include contact details too. Transparency is key.

Regulatory compliance: navigating the legal landscape

Financial services are subject to stringent regulations to protect consumers and ensure fair practices. Marketing within this industry requires a deep understanding of regulatory compliance.

Social media marketing can be an effective tool for financial institutions to engage with their audience while adhering to regulatory guidelines. By sharing informative and compliant content on social platforms, financial institutions can demonstrate their expertise and build trust with their target market.

As a financial advisor, there are various types of social posts you can share to engage with your audience and provide valuable information, such as:

  1. Educational Content: Share posts that educate your audience about financial topics such as budgeting, saving, investing, retirement planning and tax strategies. Break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand language and offer practical tips.

Example: “Understanding the Basics of Compound Interest: How it Works and Why It Matters for Your Savings. Learn how your money can grow over time and make the most of compounding!”

  1. Market Updates: Keep your followers informed about the latest trends, news and insights related to the financial markets. Share your analysis and commentary on market movements, economic indicators and relevant financial events.

Example: “Market Update: The Impact of Inflation on Investments. Explore how rising inflation can affect your portfolio and discover strategies to protect your investments.”

  1. Financial Planning Tips: Offer practical advice on financial planning, goal setting, risk management and asset allocation. Help your audience understand the importance of planning for their financial future.

Example: “Five Key Steps to Achieve Financial Independence. Learn how to set goals, create a budget, invest wisely and secure your financial freedom.”

  1. Client Success Stories: Share success stories or testimonials from satisfied clients (with their permission) to showcase the positive impact of your services. This helps build trust and credibility.

Example: “Client Spotlight: John and Mary’s Journey to Debt-Free Living. Discover how our tailored financial plan helped them overcome debt and achieve their financial goals.”

  1. Q&A Sessions: Host live Q&A sessions or answer frequently asked questions from your audience. Address their concerns, provide personalised advice and establish yourself as a reliable source of financial information.

Example: “Join me tomorrow for a live Q&A session! Bring your financial questions, and I’ll be here to provide insights and guidance on topics like retirement planning, investments and more.”

Remember to comply with legal and regulatory guidelines when sharing financial information. Always prioritise providing educational value and avoid making specific investment recommendations without proper consideration of an individual’s unique circumstances.

Content marketing: educating and building authority

Content marketing holds particular importance in financial services marketing. Due to the complex nature of financial concepts, customers often seek educational resources and expert insights.

Content marketing provides an opportunity for financial institutions to showcase their knowledge and establish thought leadership. Creating informative blog posts, articles and whitepapers can address common financial concerns or provide valuable insights to attract and engage your target audience.

Great content can also be used to demonstrate topical authority too, which can in turn boost your search engine rankings.

Topical authority refers to the level of expertise a website possesses on a specific subject. It plays a crucial role in search engine rankings, determining how prominently a website appears in search results for related queries.

How to build topical authority…

Several factors contribute to establishing topical authority, including:

  1. Content quality and quantity: Having high-quality and extensive content on your website greatly enhances topical authority.
  2. Backlinks from authoritative websites: Acquiring backlinks from reputable and authoritative websites reinforces topical authority.
  3. Internal linking structure: Establishing a strong internal linking structure that connects relevant pages within the website contributes to topical authority.
  4. User engagement: Factors such as user engagement metrics (e.g., time spent on pages, number of pages viewed) influence topical authority.

Building topical authority requires a long-term SEO strategy that demands time and effort. However, it can significantly enhance a website’s search rankings.

To develop topical authority effectively, consider the following tips:

  1. Create informative and comprehensive content: Craft high-quality content that provides valuable information and covers the topic comprehensively.
  2. Target relevant long-tail keywords: Focus on using long-tail keywords that are specific and relevant to your topic, as they can attract targeted organic traffic.
  3. Backlink to authoritative websites: Include outbound links to other respected and authoritative websites within your niche, which can boost your own topical authority.
  4. Utilise internal linking: Implement internal links that connect related pages on your website, making it easier for users and search engines to navigate and understand your content.
  5. Foster user engagement: Encourage user engagement by creating an intuitive user experience, interactive features and compelling calls-to-action that keep visitors on your site.

By incorporating these strategies, you can effectively develop topical authority for your website, ultimately improving its search engine ranking.

Relationship building: personalised approaches

Unlike some other industries, financial services rely heavily on building strong relationships with customers. Email marketing can be a powerful tool for financial institutions to nurture these relationships.

By segmenting email lists based on customer interests and preferences, financial institutions can deliver personalised content and offers. This approach helps to establish trust and loyalty by demonstrating that the institution understands and caters to the unique needs of each customer.

Financial advisors can cover a wide range of topics in their email marketing campaigns. For example, you can cover market insights, financial planning tips, retirement planning, investment strategies, economic updates, special promotions and events.

Remember to personalise your emails. Segment your audience based on their interests or life stages, and provide actionable insights that can help your clients improve their financial wellbeing. Additionally, always comply with relevant laws and regulations regarding email marketing and client communications.

Compliance with security and privacy standards

In an era marked by increasing data breaches and privacy concerns, financial services marketing must prioritise security and privacy standards. Institutions need to assure customers that their personal and financial information is safe.

Transparency in data practices can be emphasised through content marketing, where financial institutions can create educational content that explains their security measures and data protection policies. This builds trust with customers, reassuring them that their information is handled securely.

Financial services marketing: key takeaways

Financial services marketing stands apart from other forms of marketing due to the unique nature of the industry. Building trust, demonstrating expertise, complying with regulations, and prioritising personalised relationships are vital considerations in this field.

By utilising marketing strategies such as SEO, social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing, financial institutions can effectively reach and engage their target audience, ultimately fostering long-term customer relationships and driving business success.

Expert help with financial services marketing

Ready to take your financial services marketing to the next level? Get expert help today and unlock the full potential of your business.

Our team of experienced professionals specialise in financial services marketing. We can provide you with tailored strategies and insights to attract and engage your target audience effectively. Whether you need assistance with lead generation, content creation, social media management or digital marketing, we’ve got you covered.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to maximise your marketing efforts and achieve your business goals. Contact us now to schedule a consultation and let our experts guide you towards marketing success. At Rapport Digital, we have specialist experience helping accountants with everything from SEO and content writing to email marketing and social media. If you want to leave your marketing efforts in capable hands, speak to our team today!

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