25 Social Media Ideas for Accountants

Business Woman Sharing Social Media Posts for Accountancy Firm

Social media is a powerful tool for accountants. There are countless businesses out there who need help with their finances and social platforms provide the perfect way to connect with them.

If your accountancy firm consistently shares engaging, helpful content, you will reach and engage new audiences, ultimately leading to more new customers.

However, knowing what to share can be a problem. Constantly brainstorming new ideas can be time-consuming and unproductive – which is why we’ve done the hard work for you! At Rapport Digital, we are here to help your accountancy firm succeed online.  

When it comes to posting social media content for accountants, there are many options out there. Here are 25 social media post ideas you can repurpose for your accounting firm…

Before we start, keep it snappy!

Remember that social media is all about engagement. It’s important to create posts that quickly capture the attention of readers. The quicker they get pulled in, the longer they are likely to engage, and the more likely they will be to like, follow and comment.

Longer isn’t always better when it comes to social media posts. People browsing online are likely to have only a few moments of attention to give you. If you want them to read or engage with a larger piece of content (whether that’s text or video) the content will have to be worth their time!

Because of this, it can be a good idea to focus on short, sharp posts that create an instant connection. It’s why you’ll see many social media posts written as short insights, rather than long essays. Remember attention is the currency here – so it’s important to capture it quickly and provoke some kind of response.

If you’re thinking about assigning this task to AI, think again. Generative content might not give the results you need.

25 social media ideas your accountancy firm can take inspiration from…

1. Opinion pieces

As a registered professional accountant or firm, your followers will look to you for opinions on topics related to the financial landscape. No matter the topic – opinion pieces are your chance to give some info and engage your audience.

Opinion posts are amazing ways to get engagement, as they offer a quick point of contact for readers. You can invite your audience to respond and offer their own opinion. You’ll find that some people will post to agree, while others may disagree. Both are good for your social media presence as they mean you are engaging your audience.

2. Polls

Interactive participation is a surefire way to get engagement. Followers like to feel directly involved and polls are an easy way to achieve this. You could make a simple poll that asks a question and offers a few different options to choose from.

For example, you could ask:

  • Do you manage your business accounts internally?
  • Which accounting software do you prefer?
  • What is the biggest financial challenge your business faces?
  • How do you prefer to receive financial advice?
  • What’s your preferred method for tracking expenses?
  • What’s the most important factor when choosing an accountant?

3. Inspiring quotes

This is a tried-and-true method for social media posts that can quickly engage your readers. Add a simple quote that links to life, work or accountancy.

One of the best things about choosing a quote for your social media is that it is something you can search for passively. Think about books or articles you’ve read or movies you have seen – anything can work as long as it is insightful, witty or interesting.

4. Comment on an article

If you’ve seen a good article online that links to accountancy in some way – you can share a link to it with a short post explaining your thoughts. This could be anything that relates to your firm brand identity or daily life.

Always double-check before linking to a post about something political or a current event. You want to make sure that what you’re aligning with or discussing is representative of your brand.

5. Event posts

Have you recently taken part in some kind of event that your readers might find interesting? This could be anything from a team-building activity to an important meeting between firms. Whatever the event is – taking a single photo and uploading it shows your followers that your organisation is busy and interesting.

6. Links to longer articles

You might want to add a short snippet of a post with a link to the full article. You should aim to make this related to accountancy in some way. It could be a link by another creator on the same platform or an external link to another location. You can add a caption that compels your followers to read or give your general thoughts about the subject matter.

7. Personal stories

Telling a personal story is the perfect way to engage your audience. Readers like to interact with real people, rather than random content that they can’t relate to. If you’re an independent accountant, you can tell a story about your career or general work life.

If you’re posting as part of a firm, you could either cover the history of the firm or select a team member to tell their story. You’re likely to get more engagement if the story is inspirational in some way.

8. Posts that ask questions

If you ask a question online, people often feel compelled to answer. This is why many content creators choose to write a post with questions dotted throughout – or a post that leads to a central question. This encourages your readers to engage with you and post an answer. Doing this can be a fast way to create engagement and create discussion in your comments.

9. Testimonials

Testimonials are a strong way to show the competency of your firm or independent accountancy service. If a client has had glowing things to say about you – it’s worth sharing!

You can lead with a short intro that explains a little about the work you performed for the client and then include their entire testimonial (or a small part that you think is the most important to show). This is positive for engagement, but also as advertising for your business.

10. Short anecdotes

What if you have a short anecdote to tell? As mentioned above, attention is your currency when it comes to social media posting. If you have a short, snappy and positive anecdote to tell – this is a great opportunity to get quick engagement. You should keep these posts under 100 words if you can.

It could be about a positive interaction you had with a client or simply something funny that happened in your daily life. Don’t shy away from showing character – people love to see personality in social media posts.

11. Behind-the-scenes content

Sharing a glimpse behind the curtain of what goes on behind the scenes in your firm is another great posting option. This can humanise your brand and build a connection with your audience. This might include adding photos of your workspace, team meetings or even longer content like a day-in-the-life video. This helps to demystify the work you do and makes your audience feel like they are getting an exclusive look into your operations.

12. Industry news

You should aim to keep your followers updated with the latest news within accountancy. This might be new regulations, software tools or significant industry changes – especially in tax law! By staying current, you will establish yourself as a reliable source of info in your field.

13. Client success stories

This is similar to testimonials but should focus more on the client. Ask them ahead of time if they would be happy with you featuring them. You can share how your expertise helped a client overcome a challenging financial situation. In short – people love success stories, so make sure you’re highlighting these.

14. Advice to aspiring accountants

You may have some following from aspiring accountants. Offering them advice in your social media posts is a great way to get engagement and followers. This could be information about education, daily life as an accountant or other general advice to help inspire them. As always, keep it upbeat, positive and realistic!

15. Seasonal posts       

Tailoring your content to align with seasonal themes and important dates is a great way to stay current. For example, you could share tax tips during tax season or financial planning advice at the end of the fiscal year. You could also choose to make posts for the holidays – for example a Christmas greeting from your team. Seasonal posts will always keep your content relevant.

16. Milestones

Your firm will hit milestones – and you should post about them! This could include anniversaries, the number of clients reached or completing significant projects. Sharing these moments with your audience can build a sense of community, as well as displaying your growth and success.

17. Q&A sessions

Hosting a live Q&A session is another great way to increase your engagement. This does require some time and attention – as you’ll need to be on hand to answer questions – but it’s a simple concept.

You can do this via video or text, with some of the best platforms being Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook. It allows your followers to ask you questions directly and get instant answers – creating interaction and providing them with valuable insights into your business.

18. Employee spotlights

No matter the size of your team, employee spotlights can be a great way to show the human side of your business. You should introduce your readers to the people behind your firm by creating profiles of your employees, highlighting their roles and expertise. This will show your team’s strengths and let your audience build connections with your team.

19. Product or service highlights

Before we go into this post idea, remember that personal engagement is one of the best tips for creating a social media following. With that in mind, it can be good to periodically feature different services you offer.

You should explain how they can benefit your clients and show how these services are handled. This will help to educate your audience about your team’s expertise and potentially attract new clients. However, you should only create posts like this occasionally – you don’t want your social media profile to turn into a standard advertisement page.

20. Hiring posts

These don’t fit into the wider strategy of gaining followers through social media – but they can still be beneficial for your brand. Adding a hiring post to your LinkedIn profile serves two purposes.

First, it helps you to find new team members for your firm. Secondly, it shows your audience that your firm is recruiting and actively adding new members to your team. This is a post type only suitable for LinkedIn or Facebook.

21. Trend analysis

It’s important to comment on current trends in the accountancy industry. This might be to show the impact of new technologies (AI, blockchain) or represent general shifts in financial policies. By sharing your analysis, you can establish yourself as an expert and give insights to your audience.

22. Passions outside of work

Finances can be a dry topic – even to those who are interested in it! Because of this, it can be a good idea to add some colour to your social media profile by showing your passions outside of work. This post idea is best suited to independent accountants but could also work for firms. You can post about outside passions and what you do to unwind after a long day of work. Just make sure that it’s appropriate for your brand!

23. How-to guides

Short, explanatory guides can be a great way to foster engagement and help your audience. These guides can cover many different topics related to accountancy. They could be how to prepare for the tax season, steps to set up an effective budget or general tips for managing financial records. To trick is to not use too many words and break down everything into easy-to-follow steps.

24. Live talks & demos

Many people choose to post demos or video content showing a team member going in-depth on a certain topic. Platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook all give you the option to add videos. You can caption your video post with a short introduction that hooks the viewer and compels them to click the video.

25. Weekly tips

Sharing a tip of the week related to accountancy or general finance can keep your audience coming back for regular, bite-sized pieces of advice. These tips might cover anything from financial planning and tax-saving strategies to software recommendations and efficiency hacks.

Ready to elevate your accountancy firm’s digital presence?

At Rapport Digital, we specialise in comprehensive digital marketing strategies tailored specifically for accountants. From SEO and content marketing to web design and social media, we’ve got you covered. Our expert team handles all aspects of your digital marketing, allowing you to concentrate on what you do best – accounting.

Don’t let digital marketing take time away from your core activities. Let us help you build a strong, authentic online presence that attracts new clients and keeps your current clients engaged.

Discover how Rapport Digital can help your firm grow. Contact us today or learn more about our services to see the difference we can make for your accountancy practice.

Feeling inspired?

If you’d like to discuss how to improve the ways in which your business does social media, or get some help to do it better, please get in touch at:
