5 Ways to Boost your Marketing from Home During the Coronavirus Crisis

woman working from home

It is probably true to say that most business owners understand the value effective digital marketing can bring to a business and yet, in ordinary circumstances few find the time to actually do it.  Of course, one of the key factors in making any marketing strategy successful is to do it consistently. Having said that, we all have to start somewhere and that’s why we have put together these 5 simple ideas which may help you use your time productively to help boost your marketing.

1. Website

Your website is your shop window, and even if the majority of your clients don’t find you through a Google search you can bet your bottom dollar that they will use it as a point of validation at the very least.  Is your website up to date?  Could it benefit from a refresh? Take time to review the content and consider making some amendments and updates to bring it bang up to date. Does it work on mobile devices?  If not, it won’t be showing up in Google searches, won’t be easy for customers to view and it could be high time to consider a new one. With network events, sponsorship and many forms of print advertising now off the table the role of your website in promoting your business just became more important than ever before.

2. Social media

Businesses with a strong social media presence are set to thrive as millions of consumers increase their screen time.  If you don’t already have a large and engaged following this won’t happen overnight but you certainly can get started by updating your social media profiles, adding new images, inviting your network to connect and dipping your toe into the water with a few interesting posts.  A note of caution – unless you have a business selling hand sanitiser or offer an essential service then right now probably isn’t the time for flogging your wares, but you could start by posting what your business is doing to support others through the current crisis or sharing interesting, relevant and positive news stories that relate to your business. Could you offer a free live stream perhaps?  Why not get involved, it will reflect well on your business and you might even have fun along the way!

3. Content

If your website has a blog, or you have decided to make an effort to get involved in the world of social media then you will need content.  Interesting and unique content is central to any successful marketing strategy. It will help you engage your customers and will help improve your website SEO.  Now could be the perfect time to write some blogs, articles and even produce some videos that will help you to engage your customers both now and in the months ahead.  Stockpile blogs not loo rolls for your bogs!

4. Learn a new skill

Take time to learn about marketing. There are lots of online tutorials that will give you some great tips. Why not seek out and engage in some short online courses that will help you understand more about how to make use of your social media channels and how to write engaging content? You can even learn the basics of Google Ads online.

5. Volunteer

Finally, if you still find yourself with some extra time on your hands, and want to use it productively – why not volunteer to help the NHS and vulnerable people locally in the current crisis?   You could even share your experiences in a blog post or on your newly revamped social media pages!

If your accountancy firm needs help or advice on how to get started, or have any great tips of your own to share, let us know on hello@rapportdigital.com. We’ll be pulling together innovative examples to shine a light on all the positive ways businesses are reacting to the current situation.

Feeling inspired?

If you’d like to discuss how to improve the ways in which your business does social media, or get some help to do it better, please get in touch at:
