Google Search API Leak: Key Insights for Accountancy Firms

In a development that could significantly change digital marketing, a major leak of Google Search API documents was published for the first time earlier this year. The leaked documents provide a fascinating insight into how Google’s search algorithms work, and valuable information that determines how sites are ranked. For accountancy firms, understanding the details of...

How to Get Your Website Noticed – 5 Successful Strategies

In a world where everyone’s glued to those tiny computers in their pockets, having a website is a must for any business. But that’s not enough. Your website needs to stand out – and unfortunately, that’s harder than ever before. Why? It’s simple. There’s more competition. If you think about it, your customers are only...

Why Google’s Mobile First Update is Crucial for Small Businesses

Can’t keep up with Google’s changing algorithm? While many of the twists and turns can be missed without much consequence, there’s been a pretty big update that might need your attention – the Google Mobile-First Indexing update, to be precise. If techy jargon isn’t your thing, it basically means Google will be prioritising rankings for...