Why Accountants Should Be Careful With AI-Generated Content

In recent years, generative AI tools have been adopted by businesses for a number of tasks, such as writing blog posts, creating headshots and crunching data. While it is believed that AI has the potential to boost a business’s overall productivity, the sudden rise of such tools has exposed a number of significant problems. Here...

What Is a Pillar Page? (And 3 Types You Should Try)

Pillar pages are well-named. Just as a pillar is integral to the structure and strength of a building, pillar pages are essential to a website as they prop up the content and strengthen the interest of your target audience. Woven together with cluster pages (focused on a single topic and hyperlinked back to your pillar...

How to Find Your Target Audience

If you’ve ever launched and promoted a website, this story might sound familiar… You start out full of hope and with great ideas. You’ve read all the right books, joined all the right courses, talked to all the right people. In short, you’ve done all the right things. A few months in, you’ve got plenty...

How to Get Your Website Noticed – 5 Successful Strategies

In a world where everyone’s glued to those tiny computers in their pockets, having a website is a must for any business. But that’s not enough. Your website needs to stand out – and unfortunately, that’s harder than ever before. Why? It’s simple. There’s more competition. If you think about it, your customers are only...